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Old June 9th 04, 03:37 PM
Ronny Julian
Posts: n/a

Lets see the link to the web page that shows what you have done to get
involved with your area Tamarisk. I for one an glad there are people
willing to get involved in such a manner in this day and age.

What have you done greater that you can down what they do?

Ronny K4RJJ

"Tamarisk" wrote in message
Hi Roland,

Just because your radio club (and that is what it is, really, after
going to the website and reading about it) allows you to play posse
and drive around in cop cars and or your own outfitted cars, doesn't
mean that you should post first responder equipment for sale in a radio
swap group. Come on, you're apparently an educated man. If I
were in a radio club where the members also were martial artists,
would that entitle me to post ads here in the radio swap group
for a judo gi? Of course not, it just doesn't follow.

By the way, I'm amazed at how much your group sounds like wanna-be
cops. Looking through the website I saw where your group isn't
allowed any law enforcement powers except when in the presence of
a peace officer. Your primary purpose seems to be communications
and not law enforcement. What about operating a radio requires the
use of a firearm? (Oh, sorry... forgot you're in Arizona. ;-)
If the peace officer is present, he can do the law enforcement and
there most likely isn't much need for one of you to play Barney Fife.

Considering the confusion of your group as to whether they want to
be law enforcement (like Reserves) or radio operators, maybe I do
understand why you have difficulty differentiating between radio
equipment and first responder equipment.

"I gots my sidearm and I gots my radio. I'm ready to be the most
communicatin' and well armed radio club member yet! WoooHoooo!"

Roland S Geter Sr wrote:
I would like to explain to some of the uninformed hams out there .....
There is a major group of licensed amateur radio hams that are also law
enforcement officers namely like my xyl (KD6QCH) and myself (WB6LNA) as
members of the:
Maricopa County Sheriff's Office
Communications Posse Deputies
Phoenix, Arizona
We are all fully armed, uniformed, graduates of the Sheriffs Firearms
Academy with some 300-400 hours formal classroom instruction in Law
Enforcement. Off duty we are encouraged to report crime to our
Commander from our VHF & UHF repeaters throughout the city. On duty we
drive either county patrol vehicles or our own personally financed and
outfitted private vehicles. Please visit us on
Hope this satisfies the question why we support the offering of this
kind of equipment on this newsgroup.
Roland S Geter, PhD
Madell M Geter, RN

nospam wrote:

Does this newsgroup say rec.Siren.Swap ?????????????????????
No it doesn't. 10-4 ?

On 07 Jun 2004 22:02:17 GMT,
(A1EMT) wrote:

Like new (demo) Federal SS2000 Smart Siren and light control system.
installed, in original factory box with all cables, mounting
hardware, manuals,
Pictures available on request.
$475/shipped or best offer. Money order or PayPal.

e-mail direct at: