"Mike Coslo" wrote in message
I am finding that WindowsXP is allowing 20 cookies (plus other stuff ) a
to attach to my computor which requires the use of another program to
every day to quarentine them. Thinking of going back to the Netscape
so as to
keep the computor cleen. Also interested in how much it would cost for
firewalls to bring
WindowsXP back to the protective level of Netscape 7.1.
(Yes I know it is not antenna related, unless you
need a computor to read antenna postings or use WindowsXP for antenna
Hey Art, here are my suggestions:
1. Get Zonealarm, Preferably version 4.xx
3. Get Netscape, or one of the flavors of its engine, such as Firefox.
Use this to get your mail, and read newsgroups too.
4. Start Internet Exploder one last time. When Zonealarm pops up and
asks if Exploder can have access to the net, then click "remember" and
deny it permission.
By denying IEEEEEEE! permission to ever access the web on your machine,
you will be doing humanity a great favor. Same for Outlook.
If you get the paid version of Zonealarm, you can have it delete all
cookies every day. You can also select ones you want to keep, if any.
5. Consider using a proxy server such as Proxomitron,(freeware)
especially if you are on Cable, or DSL.
6. Always change the updates feature of your computer so that you
manually do the updates. If you automatically update, you will find that
Microsoft may make your computer more secure by making it less
operative! 8^)
Hope this helps!
EVERY thing I am getting is a real help and an education for me
I did get a private E mail that high lighted a version of Netscape that with
a press of
+ or - you can make reading news much easier to read by enlarging the
script !
I am sure that there is more than one old guy like myself on this newsgroup
who would
apreciate such an aid . With respect to the advice coming in, I wonder how
many have
checked their computors with 'adware' to verify the veracity of what they
have stated?
Regarding the aditional purchase of 'Zonealarm' , I am trying to resist
placing more
money in to computors e.t.c.when the origional suppliers of programming
were derelict
in providing adequate protection in the first place, but I am not totally
stubborn to the idea
of admitting defeat.
- Mike KB3EIA -