Scanners/radios FS or Trade
taking offers on the list below,might consider trades,depends on
what.Might also split up the combinations offered.Setup for paypal and
money orders.
Uniden BC700a with rare A/S Mon-51 mag mount antenna.(Used but
excellent)(mon-51 is Brand New)
Pro-2046 with Larsen Dual Bander mag mount antenna.(excellent RX
Icom IC-R1 with BP90 Battery Option/Icom antenna.(Unblocked)(Used but
Yaesu VR-500 with charger(In box as original)
Pro 2006 with Cheek LED Mods/Skyscan desktop discone.(Used but nice -
RARE with the LEDS)
other stuff:
MINT President Lincoln (In the box as new)
MINT Voyage 9000 (Ranger) (In the box as new)
MINT Tristar FC250 frequency Counter/Power/Mod etc. Excellent shape
MINT in The Box Realistic 2 - meter HTX-202 UNUSED (Collectors DREAM)
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