OK !
I was thinking as a field receiving antenna that is easy to roll out and
re-roll. thick wire isn't good for that
"L. M. Rappaport" wrote in message
I think you mean "tinned" wire. It's considered stranded, not solid.
You might want to re-think using it for antennae as 22 gauge is a bit
thin for that. The best antenna wire is usually something like
copperweld - that's a steel wire (for strength) with a copper coating
(for conductivity). Most folks use #13 or #14. 22 gauge is normally
used for hook-up wire.
Larry W1HJF
Mail may be sent to rapp at lmr dot com. Please
use plain text only as html is filtered out as spam.
On Sat, 10 Jul 2004 23:12:26 -0700, "mike maghakian"
wrote (with possible editing):
it is strands of wire made into a "solid" strand and seemingly silver
together. This is the way it seemed to me after I stripped an inch of it.
bet a wire expert could explain this better !
"Mike Coslo" wrote in message
mike maghakian wrote:
I have a 1000 foot of 22 guage multi strand solid wire. this is
wire and great for a portable long wire antenna. it is on a 10 inch
I will give it away for $15 plus shipping !! email me at
Seems like a good price, but what the heck is multi strand solid wire?
might be being dense here!
- Mike -