There may be some readers who are not sure what the postings are all about
and why the "Fuss"
..I just linked up to the "BBC "home page which shows their policy
towards"privacy and cookies"
For those who are illiterate with respect to computors and just accept what
supplied with the computor as purchased, reviewing the privacy policy
allows the viewer simplified steps to take to protect oneself based on the
browser IN USE.
It does not provide the expertise offered by this knoweledgable group but it
does offer a
preliminary stage of protection by providing step by step computor
instructions to get started
for the illiterate such as I , plus a bit more indepth discussion of what
unknown attachments and cookies
actual do when invading your privacy.
On a side note with respect to some computors slowing down. Are the Windows
based computor programs
with respect to antenna modelling also subject to overload or slowing down
problems or are they some how
immune to the described problems?
Fortunately my program is DOS based so I still enjoy the benefits of the 3
Gig time saver of the processor.
But then......... ignorance could be seen as bliss.
" wrote in message
I am finding that WindowsXP is allowing 20 cookies (plus other stuff ) a
to attach to my computor which requires the use of another program to be
every day to quarentine them. Thinking of going back to the Netscape
so as to
keep the computor cleen. Also interested in how much it would cost for
firewalls to bring
WindowsXP back to the protective level of Netscape 7.1.
(Yes I know it is not antenna related, unless you
need a computor to read antenna postings or use WindowsXP for antenna