Dave, we all have been hit one time or another with a computor problem. One
time many on this newsgroup got hit with a hiddious virus that upset many so
I think you are a bit out of step on this one ,even tho you see your main
duty as being a Net Cop.
The fact of the matter is that the main core of premier antenna help
contributors all posted on this subject which shows that not only do these
members have special expertise with antennas but also have the expertise
relative to the computor connection with respect to antennas and the like,
and are willing to share with less ability minded people like myself.
Remember the main core of contributors to this group are no lesser an Elmer
to that which you pump yourself to be to give you the verbal justification
, but I assure you that if a thread unrelated to the primary interests of
this group
appeared on a regular basis the initiator would either be ignored or quickly
put into his place.
I note that a recent poster stated he was a ham by fraudulent means but
apparently you view his thread as more legitamate than mine which is so
intertwined and connected to the direction that antennas are moving today
and where I am sure you must have posted many times on this particular
newsgroup where such programs can be executed ( I assume I have overlooked
your antenna contributions) on a $5 Walmart calculator as to make the
computor irrelavent to this group.
Since you state that many readers are upset or unhappy with the lack of true
content of this newsgroup now would be the time for an Elmer so proficient
as you with respect to what is "right" and what is "wrong" to start a new
antenna newsgroup to satisfy the needs of like minded people who are more
interested in political correctness than in technical content, of the latter
none of which was evident in your posting that only added to the length to
the thread without a modicom of antenna content. I think you would have a
real hard time in attracting the
groups membership that has such a deep knoweledge and expertise that they
are willing to share where the content of their postings must satisfy total
political correctness and subject to your absolute rules of what can be
written or replied to.
However, if all antenna questions were directed to you for a response you
would not have the problem that you ascribe to this newsgroup and amateur
radio most certainly would be the beneficiory in your mind of having an
Let me just assume this is just a consequence of you having a bad day so I
can push it all aside
and wish you and your family a happy holiday.
"Dave Bushong" wrote in message
Mike Coslo wrote:
Dave Bushong wrote:
I am finding that WindowsXP is allowing 20 cookies (plus other stuff
) a day
Yo! NetCop! Wassup?
- Mike KB3EIA
Hi Mike,
Thanks for your followup posting, and here is Wassup.
I'm not a "NetCop", but instead, an "Elmer". I teach new hams not to
stick a fork into the light socket, not to transmit on a dual-band radio
on band "B" when you are listening on band "A", and other embarrassing
things. I also teach new newsgroup posters that posting an article, and
then nearly 30 followups, to an antenna newsgroup, is wrong. It is
wrong because people who subscribe to the rec.radio.amateur.antenna
newsgroup have a reasonable expectation that postings here will have
something to do with ham radio antennas, or at least ham radio, or maybe
radio, or at least antennas, or maybe even CB microphones. Not cookies.
With 40,000+ newsgroups out there, there is just no reason to post a
generic "help-me" message about Windows XP cookies, into a newsgroup
about ham radio antennas. I've been wrong before, but this time, I'm not.