Has been sold....thanks to all that responded.
"Michael Brandt" wrote in message
I had this sold but buyer had to back out because of a family
situation so it is available again.
To all those inquired and were told it was sold please e-mail me
again...I deleted my inbox folder accidentally.
I can be reached at 612-588-3468
__________________________________________________ ___________________
I am selling my C508A Standard HT. This has been used very little
and is very clean and works 100%.
Now the bad part...2 years ago somebody broke into the trunk of
my car and stole the box and all accessories including the belt clip
and manual. I will include a copy of the manual on a CD viewable
with MS word.
I would like $70 plus $7.00 USPS Priority Mail.
USPS Money order only...thanks
Mike (KA0PWW) mbrandt1 @mn.rr.com remove the space between
the 1 and the @