Thread: Browser
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Old December 12th 04, 05:59 PM
Mike Coslo
Posts: n/a

Wes Stewart wrote:
On Thu, 9 Dec 2004 23:50:02 -0500, "Hal Rosser"

| I lost confidence in netscape when aol took it over.
| Try mozilla firefox (it is free)
| or
| Avant browser (also free)
| --- also download the free firewall (zoneAlarm) from zone labs
| and-- free antivirus software (AVG)
| and you can replace microsoft office with OpenOffice .org
| and if you can find some scrap wire, we can talk about a free antenna
| :-)
|The Avant browser is really a good one - maybe even better than Mozilla
|- Mosaic, though may not suite your needs.
|but by all means - anything but IE

As I said elsewhere, I use Firebird, predecessor to Firefox.

Unfortunately, some web sites almost demand IE. The attitude is that
since 99% of the users are using IE, that's the thing to code for. (I
know this because I've had this discussion with my son, who is the IT
guru for a nationwide corporation)

This will change! Where I work, we have been told to abandon Internet
Exploder. I already had years ago as part of UALMPAP (usa as little
Microsoft product as possible)

Between Students and Employees, that is probably only about 100,000
people. Since it is happening elsewhere too, it *will make at least some

I have IRA's at both Schwab and Vanguard. Some of their "features"
simply will not work in anything but IE. Threats to move my money to
the other guy if they don't fix this fall on deaf ears.

Of course, you only threatened. If you actually moved the money, and
gave them that as a reason, they might start to pay attention

Same with my credit union. For example the login page "moves" three
times while loading in Firefox. If I start typing my login info too
soon, the boxes move and login fails. Tech support couldn't care

As long as you still use them, they won't care.

But these are the same guys who, although 80% of the users have a
dial-up connection, assume that everyone has a personal T1 line to
their server and can download their bloated pages instantly.

A few years ago, I started seeing a lot of websites that had incredibly
superflous Junk on their intro pages. An example is once I needed a ne
pair of skates, and I needed them quick. I wnet to the makers web pages,
and the first thing it tells me is that I need to download a plug-in in
order to see their site. So I download it. Then it tells me I have to
restart my computer, which is a little bit of a pain. Then it bombs my
computer, then after rebooting and waiting for scandisk to check and
repair it, I finally get to the site again, I get to see the critical
software advance that I couldn't access their site without. It was a
freakin' movie of a goalie sliding across the ice! I called them and
told them that I wasn't going to buy any more of their skates and told
them why. 400 bucks lost for them, actually more like 800 bucks, since I
was often buying skates for my kid at that time.

BTW, they ended up changing the site eventually.

- Mike KB3EIA -