"Mike Coslo" wrote in message
Dave Bushong wrote in part:
Mike Coslo wrote:
With 40,000+ newsgroups out there, there is just no reason to post a
generic "help-me" message about Windows XP cookies, into a newsgroup
about ham radio antennas. I've been wrong before, but this time, I'm
Then I hope you wiil be filtering me along with the Cialis ads and the
wierd Sexually oriented posts! I probably have nothing of worth to offer
- Mike KB3EIA -
Let's see. I regular poster asks a question in a newsgroup where a) he is
known and b) he knows the other regular poster -- kinda helpful in judging
I suppose you COULD have posted it in alt.cookies.yum.yum.yum but I see no
problem posting it here.
BTW, Firefox is great. grin
Paul AB0SI