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Old December 13th 04, 04:52 AM
Mike Coslo
Posts: n/a

art wrote:

Mike Coslo wrote:

Dave Bushong wrote:


So here you have a regular poster making a post, and another


answering him with helpful non-trolling, non confrontational advice,


Yes, that did not go by un noticed Mike. Over the years I have
probably ticked off every one of those who offered valued advice when
really all could have ignored my post, I did appreciate that.
On a side note, I have just ordered some powder coating which I will
place in a airiated bowl , I can then immerse a rotary capacitor in it
so I can up its voltage rating. The gap between the plates are pretty
wide so I am hoping to make the powder coat quite thick. Haven't heard
Of anybody doing this to avoid the high cost of vacuum capacitors but
that maybe because the idea is a failure.grin
But if it works out O.K. some loop antenna makers might want to try it.

By gosh, that might just work! I don't know much about powder coating,
but since they do have powders designed for electrical insultation
properties, you might have a winner.

Just make sure to let us know!!!

And it would be a great thing for my loop. At present, I have a
trombone cap, and it wears out the mylar insulation as I use it.

- Mike KB3EIA -