Mike Coslo wrote:
Mike Coslo wrote:
Mike Coslo wrote:
Looks like somebody cottoned on to what some hams are doing:
Quick! Someone tell them it won't work!! ;^)
I'll pass on your troll for now Michael. But I *will* be back
. .
bank it.
I'm trolling when I answer Jim's email?
This ain't an e-mail circuit.
I stopped discussing the matter
in this group.
Uhh . . why . . ?
I'll answer this one, but let me bow out of any more.
There just wasn't much reason to continue the discussions. Whereas I
wanted some discussion about possibilities, a lot of what I got was
the form of how things that were being done on a regular basis -
couldn't be done.
So what do I do? An awful lot of people might get sarcastic and
about it, but I prefer not to. Sometimes discretion is gritting your
teeth and moving on.
If I launch a balloon, and it goes to 50 Kfeet, then I suppose it
I'm a failure, and if I report a 100Kfeet launch and successful
retrieval, I guess I'm rubbing it in.
Obviously it was naivety for me to expect a response other than what
received, don't you agree? 8^)
I couldn't agree more. With all of it. This NG has been around for well
over 10 years and it is what it is and always has been, an online
harpoon target range and you oughta known what was gonna happen. Any
post anybody tosses out around here is an invitation to get skewered
for jollies - or for serious in occasional instances. Your nice guyism
has been duly noted but don't expect reciprosity when you toss out an
absoutely irresistable target like your balloon thing. Then comes the
post-facto petulism problem but never mind . .
- Mike KB3EIA -