hello yes and no good choice your trumpet vertical it s better than
pseudo balunized cb flagpoles even if you only get your 3.5 commercial
db on 10m if you can afford the radial kit would be more covenient to
install the antenna on a 30ft high pole but surely less efficient ad
more expensive than full length radials logical it s up to you
hi just got this on ebay it is a trappet vertical for 10m-15-20-40-80m gain
of 3.5db its 7.30 meters in hight the makers do radial rods for this antana
that looks like mobile wips if i use full lenght 1/4wave counterpois with
this antana will it work alot better, berrid or in air if i put the anttana
at hight of 10-30ft? thanks dave browne 2e0dmb