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Old October 26th 04, 02:53 AM
John P Vassel
Posts: n/a

dxAce wrote in :

He's not very bright.

Agreed, for a guy with a ton of stuff for sale, amazing how little of it he
actually knows about. It's all 'a friends' or 'a fellow hams' equipment.
I liked his little remark about how he'll reject bids from troublemakers
Not that it deserved to happen, but quite a few years ago in the group, a kid sold a radio to a cross-country trucker via the
newsgroup. Trucker opens the box, gets bricks. Kid (or his mom..) opens a
box the next week delivered to them, pipe bomb goes off. Seemed to me it
killed one, injured the other. While an extreme measure by all means, just
shows you had better be careful with whom you deal with.
