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Old November 30th 04, 05:05 AM
Posts: n/a

I suspect this is for a criminal case to reduce a grand theft charge. If
I am correct in this assumption, you need to hire a defense attorney to
find a court experienced expert witness in such matters as establishing
value to items. There are resources for finding such people in law
publications. They would then have to research the items under question
and present a convincing argument based on such things as depreciation,
market value, obsolescence, merchantability etc. Simply bringing in a
radio shop tech waiving E-bay stats or a Motorola salesman with his
pricebook will be risky.

It is pretty obvious to all of us that these items are junk, but the
prosecution is liable to bring evidence of replacement costs, purchase
orders etc.

Please seek legal guidance.

Kscoinhutch wrote:

I need an expert witness to testify as to the value of two (2) Motorola Radius
low-band mobiles and five (5) Motorola moxy mobiles in a Kansas City area court
case. None of these radios have mics/accessories, none of the Moxy's work. Does
anyone know where I can find such a person to testify as an expert witness?

Joe Leikhim K4SAT

The Lost Deep Thoughts By: Jack Handey
Before a mad scientist goes mad, there's probably a time
when he's only partially mad. And this is the time when he's
going to throw his best parties.