"David Austerman" wrote
Hi, looking for some misc carbon comp resistors in 1/2watt size. Like to
find misc values (e.g. 1meg, 220k, whatever) to keep for my
amp/boatanchor projects. if you have any extras laying around whether 20
or 100 or whatever qty let me know at . thanks, dave,
n5wnm, okla city, ok
I've been asked to inventory and sell off the ham shack of an SK ham who was
also an avid homebrewer. One of the items I noticed in my first visit were two
or three Ohmite cabinets with many drawers each of resistors organized in
ascending value, starting down around 10 ohms and going up in standard steps up
into the megohm range (didn't notice if they are half or quarter-watt). In the
few drawers that I opened I didn't notice any vacant compartments. After the
holidays (the widow is spending the holidays with out-of-state kids/grandkids)
I'll be going back and will photo the stuff and put it on eBay.
73, de Hans, K0HB