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Old December 21st 04, 06:44 AM
Hal Rosser
Posts: n/a

"ml" wrote in message

i've been studying around trying to get info to build a small dipole and
found 'too much' info ended up confused thought perhaps someone
could help

I am going to be traveling around , (hotels , etc) and want to build or
buy a small as poss dipole for 40-10m.

my main goal would be aside from small, to minimize giving off RFI.

I am not certain in general if a trap design or not is best

and rfi wise, not certain if adding a balun(1:1/4:1) is going to min any
problems, same for ladder line vs coax

(my tuner can take coax, or ladder)

any tips/suggestions to designing a total solution would be greatly
appreciated,, i'd like to perhaps build 1 or 2 kinds and experiment
but got confused alot of posts seem to contradict each other
technology wise

I have seen folks use 2 -or 4 toy slinkies (the metal kind)
what holds them up ? plastic trimmer line like on a weed-eater
The plastic trimmer line is threaded through the slinkies and stretched
across the room
, and the slinkies acted like a continouusly-loaded dipole
as short as you need it - and it can s-t-r-e-t-c-h a little too.

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