Hi Don
Getting a "cheap" 2M SSB rig will be a problem as most are multi mode --
i.e., FM, SSB, CW and some have AM. SSB 2M rigs are usually pricey -- even
And the rig is only part of the problem -- to get over the range you want
(not thru repeaters - FM only), both you and friend will need high gain
antennas as high up as you can get them and hopefully no hills or mountain
obstructions. Better borrow a rig first and try it out --- 80 mile range can
be iffy but maybe possible.
And of course you can always use an FM repeater between the two of you (with
loss of privacy and perhaps busy repeater times}.
Maybe A better bet for you is to get on Echolink and you and your friend can
talk all day long privately and with very clear audio. A $9.95 microphone
into your computer will do the trick. You can even use an HT and intertie it
with Echolink -- some hardware involved but not a big deal
See Echolink (for Hams only)
Or if your friend is not a ham -- use AOL AIM -- I talk to a non ham friend
1000 miles away all the time. Again A $9.95 microphone into your computer
will do the trick.
Caveat Lecter
wrote in message
I am new toham and would like to purchase one of these I can use to
contact a friend 80 miles or so from me using ssb. Cost is a concern, I
am expecting a baby any day!
I do have my license, my call is kg4ger. I am trying to set up a little
base station in my bonus room where I can operate the radio and watch
the new baby. I have a very limited budget.
Any advice is appreciated!