"Jim Murphy" wrote in message
I just found the 2050s for $19.95 all over the internet. I suppose this
seller will find someone to pay his price. JIm
"Harvey Axlerod" wrote in message
The following tubes are for sale/trade: all are NIB, except as noted.
Shipping USPS priority mail, actual charges. Contact me directly for
further details. Thanks for looking.
7 6BK4/6EL4A misc brands...............$35
5 6AF6G Tung Sol (magic eye)......$35
8 7984 GE........................$40
9 2050A GE........................$65
3 6LW6 Zenith....................$35
2 6KH8/ECLL800 Lorenz, used, test new....$30
2 311B WE, used, test new........$30
Unless these are prices for the lot.. which in most cases seems more
reasonable given the prices I've seen online for most of them.