Thread: Why Match ?
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Old December 21st 04, 07:52 PM
Cecil Moore
Posts: n/a

PDRUNEN wrote:
Hi All,

I was reviewing a 75 to 50 ohm resistive matching network using two resistors,
the insertion lost was 5.7 db.

If we have a 100Vrms source with 50 ohm source impedance and it is driving a
matched 50 ohm load then the load takes 1A and the power in the load is 50

If the load is replaced with 75 ohm, then 0.8 amps will flow and the power is
48 watts. (I*I*R) == (0.8)*(0.8)*75.

I guess I must be not be taking something in account, but 2 watts does not
equal 5.7 db.

It appears that you forgot to put the resistive matching network
into the circuit. There must be a series resistor in there between
the source impedance and the load impedance to obtain that 5.7 dB
of isolation.
73, Cecil

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