Thread: B&W BWD-90
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Old January 2nd 05, 03:49 AM
Posts: n/a

I had one of those just long enough to verify my suspicion. The antenna
consists of an 800 ohm resistor at the center of the top wire and a balun.
Basically you are feeding a dummy load with antenna wires between the balun
and the resistor. The wires radiate some signal and the rest is dissapated
as heat in the resistor. Comparing it to a G5RV at the same height and on 80
meters, the B&W was 20db down! If you never compared it, you would never
know the difference. You would still hear your local buddies and they would
give you a 5/7 RST and everyone would be happy. These dummies that think
this antenna is acceptable have never bothered comparing them and are more
interested in having a low SWR than anything else. Oh...Also it's ugly with
it's huge white pvc pipes and sags in the middle due to all the weight of
the resistor and balun. I sent mine back for a refund. If you want a wire
antenna, put one up and feed it with a tuner and open wire. Use an auto
tuner. Anything would work better! 73

Steve N4LQ
"Howard" wrote in message
i am thinking about the purchase of a Barker &Williamson BWD-90
all looks good
anybody have or any experence with this dipole