How to print G4FGQ's program results.
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December 23rd 04, 06:09 PM
Dan Richardson
Posts: n/a
On 22 Dec 2004 21:08:39 -0800,
Reg Edwards wrote:
I have been asked on quite a few occasions how to dump my programs to
printer. There appears not to be a simple way.
I have just uploaded to my website a procedure which at least works.
It involves actually going via my website and using the "Paint" program
which usually comes with Microsoft Windows. There may be other programs
which will do the same thing. I am indebted to Jack, G3PVG for the basic
Interested? Go to "Dump Program Results to Printer" in the "Index"
on my website.
.................................................. .........
Regards from Reg, G4FGQ
For Free Radio Design Software go to
.................................................. .........
There are several screen grab programs out there that will do the job.
My favorite is WinGrab. Its main features a
* Freewa No registration and no nags. You are free to use the
program at home and at your office (i.e. commercial use).
* Hot keys: Trigger capture by pressing user-defined hot keys. One
key for hiding/showing the program, one key for capturing a window and
one key for capturing the screen.
* Auto-save: Triggered by a hot key, the program can capture +
save to file in one operation, without any user intervention
(automatic incremental file naming).
* Time-scheduled captuNew Capture + save to file (auto-save) at
regular time intervals.
* Cursor captu New The mouse cursor is included in the
* Index images: Can create index images (overview image with an
array of small images). The tiling of images can be freely set by
user. Useful to get an overview of images.
* Color reduction: High quality color reduction to 256 colors (8
bits/pixel). Useful for reducing file size.
* Cropping: Crop images after drawing a bounding rectangle with
the mouse.
* Clipboard: Copy and paste images using the Windows clipboard.
Useful for exchange with other programs.
* Graphic formats: Supported formats are jpeg, png, tiff, bmp. The
degree of jpeg compression can be set by user, giving full control
over image quality and file size. Can create progressive jpeg's and
interlaced png's.
* Batch printing: Print a list of images with any number of images
tiled on the same sheet of paper (similar appearance as index images).
Useful for printing a series of captures.
* Image-viewing: Useful as a simple image-viewer. To open an
image, doubleclick on the file or drag & drop it on the program
window. Jpeg images can be decompressed to a smaller size for faster
viewing. Fast zoom in/out by clicking the mouse buttons.
* Image text: Can store text in image files (jpeg, tiff, png).
Useful for storing notes about images.
It can be downloaded at:
Danny, K6MHE
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