wrote in message
Joe McElvenney wrote:
I bought an ALinco DR 590 dual band amature radio at a hamfest. It
is a
mobile. Got it home, hooked it up, everything on the display lit
up. I
mean everything, even things that were not supposed to. The
number has stange lines in it. It was not usable.
Some items of test equipment have a display 'test mode' where
digit and LED/LCD segment are switched on either in sequence or at
same time as a function check. I have three items of test equipment
do just that on demand, so it could be that your rig was simply
its stuff.
As for the socket coming away, again it may be meant to. Perhaps
terminal plugs into the assembly just behind it.
Cheers - Joe
If this was a "test" mode then why did it stay in test mode? The radio
was completly not usable.
You said something to the effect of having it in your garage. Not sure if
heated or not, but the temperature changes could be doing this - if wide in
nature - cold to warm - etc. Could be a bad solder joint. Display may be
going flaky. You bought it used, who knows what ales it. A copy of the
owners manual if you don't have one - would be a good start.