Heading out of town for a while
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January 25th 05, 04:27 PM
Kathy Lee
Posts: n/a
Like you have never done anything wrong. You never cheat on your taxes?
"David Lawson" David
wrote in message
Isn't this your skank?
Chairman Woods noted that Kathleen Lee was issued CPA certificate 36,525
on July 15, 1998. The hearing was to consider disciplinary action
against Ms. Lee's CPA certificate pursuant to Ohio Revised Code section
4701.16(A)(5), conviction of a felony under the laws of any state or of
the United States. Ms. Lee was convicted in the United States District
Court, Northern District of Ohio of five counts of Aiding & Assisting in
Filing False Tax Returns, a violation of 26 USC 7206(2), on June 12,
2000. Ms. Lee did not appear at the hearing. The Board agreed to
deliberate the disciplinary action in a later executive session.
Action taken.
Kathleen R. Lee, CPA 4701.16(A)(5)-Convicted of aiding & assisting in
filing of false tax returns. CPA certificate revoked.
"Psychiatrist to keyclowns" wrote in message
Steveo wrote:
Keith Hosman KC8TCQ wrote:
well all I am heading to Muncie Indiana for a while to help out
the flooding there. not sure when I'll be back. I hope everyone is
doing well.
73 de Keith KC8TCQ
Good luck, Keith.
Break a leg, Mr. Iscariot.
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