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Old January 25th 05, 10:51 PM
Posts: n/a

He's bidding on his own items as he was in late 2003 and early 2004 before
ebay threw radio-mart and gottahaveit1995 off.

He is best at scamming the Collins Collectors....they deserve whatever they
get from Martyn/Leslie.

Meanwhile....ebay continues to make $$$ from all the sales of equipment.
So, not only does ebay make money once (when Martyn buys as ID
gottahaveit1995)...they make it TWICE when radiomart sells the very same
item some two to three weeks later. Ebay can't beat that, now can they! Is
it any wonder why they allow him to continue to scam the public?

"K3HVG" wrote in message
Check out his "collector quality" NC-57 with chrome handles! Wowee!

Spammie wrote:

Radio-mart knowingly overstates the condition of a lot of his equipment
listings and when he is called on it and is
given negative feedback he automatically retaliates by giving a negative
the unsuspecting buyer. He uses
gottahaveit1995 as his buying arm on EBAY. If you check his recent
you will see a 302C-3 wattmeter
(5745961498) and if you look carefully you will see an extra screw on the
front panel. This was clearly stated in the auction that
he bought it off (5742819744) and as you can see from his listing he
conveniently has failed to mention this which lowers the
units worth. Someone new to Collins may not pick up on this. Notice he
says he can provide better pictures on request
yet the original listing has better pictures of the unit that clearly
the added screw and some distortion of the area above it from its

He probably keeps the bidding on his auctions private to keep others from
seeing how he buys and resells items on EBAY and also prevents
those who are about to do business with him or have done so from
communicating about specific items he has listed or sold.