On Mon, 24 Jan 2005 18:12:46 -0600, "Steveo"
Thats not a type accepted radio thus aganist the law to use on the CB band.
Now come to medina and **** me up the ass!
**** yourself up the ass!
(1) I never said I had the radio; (2) Even if I had it, the questions
apply to ten meters as well as CB; (3) Even if I had the radio and was
using it on ten and 11 meters, it would be legal outside the USA; (4)
Even if I had the radio and modified it for 11 meters, no law would be
broken until I propagated a signal on 11 meters; (5) Even if I
modified the radio and propagated a signal on 11 meters, no law would
be broken if it were an emergency.
Anyway, the company seems to suck and provides no helpful technical
information -- probably because its customers are like you and are
only interested in putting the radio up their ass.
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