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Old January 26th 05, 01:03 PM
Trent Hancock
Posts: n/a

"Brian Goldsmith" wrote in message

"Trent Hancock" wrote

I am the type of person, that when jumped at with no explanation, will

back. If
I do something wrong, tell me what I did wrong and ask me not to do it
again. Go the other way and I can get very hard headed. I don't take

to being TOLD what I will do.

***You great pillock,just what do you think the following cut and paste of
the first reply to your post to is?
He couldn't have been more instructive or polite,he even wrote"please".

Bruce Lane wrote:-
"Please don't post binaries to a text-only newsgroup. There are a
number of reasons for this, including (but not limited to):

(1) Many people, particularly outside the U.S., use a text-based
reader for Usenet that cannot handle binary images. Your encoded
information would have shown up as page after page of text gibberish to
them, which puts a real crimp in the possibility that someone overseas
might know an answer to your question.

(2) It wastes bandwidth. ISPs who carry the non-binary side of the
Usenet hierarchy expect them to stay that way.

(3) Perhaps most important: There are many folks, again outside
the U.S., who may not be able to get anything other than a dialup pay-
per-kilobyte-downloaded Internet hookup. By posting a binary to a non-
binary group, you are forcing them to download something that they may
not want to see, and that increases their connection cost.

The correct way to handle what you did here would have been to
post the picture of the device on a web site, then include a link in
your Usenet posting that points towards the picture."

Your arrogance is astounding!!


Brian Goldsmith.