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January 26th 05, 12:33 PM
Posts: n/a
Good News!
He was born in the land of Israel supernaturally to a virgin Jewish
woman named Mary.
More like: A used-to-be virgin Jewish woman named Mary slipped up
and forgot what time fo the month it was while fooling around with
Joseph's best friend or some other willing male friend.
Mother Nature then went to work.
When faced with the prospect of telling her as-of-yet
unconsumated fiancee of her plight, she takes advantage of his pious
and unwavering devotion to God to convince him that she is still a
virgin and that this pregnancy is an "act of God".
I find this a lot easier to believe than the idea that an
omnipotent God, able to know what is going to happen in the future,
"gives" his Son to an ignorant peasant girl in an era when the "facts"
will be documented haphazardly at best, and allowed to be subject to
the interpretations and manipulations of over 20 centuries of
"prophets", "priests", "evangelists", "clerics", "rabbis", etc etc etc.
Almost ever major conflict on the face of this planet has been
over the deulling ideologies of "ministers of the faith", all of whom
teach the same basic tenents: compassion, tolerance, faith, love,
understnding, etc...UNLESS, of course, the other guy who is teaching
the SAME stuff lives "over there", in which case he OBVIOUSLY is a
heathen, wants to murder your brother, rape your sister and steal your
land, and should be immediately disposed of.
Good news? Yeah...right.
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