Magnum 257 CP1 speech compressor
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January 26th 05, 09:14 PM
I AmnotGeorgeBush
Posts: n/a
I bought a "blue light" magnum 257 in December 2004. At the time it was
advertised as having a "top gun" modulator. Apparently this was in
error, 'cause the ad was quietly changed to "sp-1 compressor". I decided
to keep it anyway because it is a really pretty radio. It also works
very good. It is so simple to modify and tune up. Just alittle research
on the 'puter is all it took. I don't think the compressor adds a whole
lot. My magnum is mated to a kl500 linear amplifier which puts out a
full 300w am and it works flawlessly. Don't spend more than $169. They
are also quite compact, it's fits nicely in my import car. You will like
I like to get on 10m and jam the **** out of those faggot ham op's.
hehehehe. They are so jealous of me.
Ham ops are not in envy of nocodes.
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