Thread: 160M Mobile
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Old January 28th 05, 02:03 AM
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H. Adam Stevens, NQ5H wrote:
"SideBand" wrote in message

H. Adam Stevens, NQ5H wrote:

"David G. Nagel" wrote in message

Reg Edwards wrote:

"SideBand" wrote in message

Anyone out there know of any decent solution to getting 160M working in
a mobile? The application is a semi-truck. I've got the Iron Horses for
75, 40, 20, 15, and 10M, but I'd like to work something out for 160
meters that will work on the truck.

I know I'm going to take an efficiency hit, but you're doing that for
everything except 10M on a Semi anyway.. Just so I can get a signal out
there to be heard, in the off chance.

ANY suggestions or ideas would be greatly appreciated.

73 de AI8W, Chris


For design and performance of a 160 meter band vertical antenna,
program HELICAL3 from website below. There are other loaded vertical

Use 1.5" or 2" diameter plastic pipe, with helical winding of thick
insulated wire, mounted on vehicle roof, as tall as possible, stayed,
short, top caapacitance tuning rod.

Range on 160m with a few hundred watts = 100 miles at noon on

1700 miles on very quiet, wiinter nights at midnight via F-layer.
............................................. ..............
Regards from Reg, G4FGQ
For Free Radio Design Software go to
............................................. ..............

Chris's problem is that he has to keep the tip of the antenna below about
13.5 feet from the ground to be legal with the various DOT's.


Must the antenna also only mount on the tractor?
I just thought of a multi-turn loop, corners as far forward and back,
wide as possible, above the cab.
Use a tuner and balanced feed.

That's an idea, but most balanced tuners I know of are manual only, and
it's hard enough keeping a 70-foot long, 80,000 lb vehicle on the road
without trying to tune, too..

Thanks for the idea.

de AI8W, Chris

You don't have to use a balanced tuner.
Terminate the loop into the truck body.
What auto tuners cover 160?
I never checked.
73 es gud luck
de NQ5H

The AT-180 does.. so does Alinco's long wire tuner (which can be made to
interface to my 706Mk][G).. There are others, I'm sure It'd be nice to
just press a button and tune the sucker, that's for sure. But I'd also
like to do it for as few dollars as I can..

de AI8W, Chris