JM, I also have a popular mega website on Amateur Radio and receive numerous
I answer those that I can and like you refer them to the news groups.
The greater majority of folks do not know how to use news groups or are even
aware of their existence.
So I refer them to URL:
I also have instructions for accessing the NG's on my website.
Many come back with "I have to subscribe, so declined"
As you and I know it is not a subscription per se, only setting up your
One has to subscribe to a mail list or reflector - but not the NG's.
Seems folks avoid anything that involves a setup or registration.
Others come back to me stating that when they viewed the NG's -- they were
so full of junk and obscenities that they wouldn't return.
Sad as many experts frequent the NG's and they can be a very valuable
In several instances, I posted queries for them and often someone would
Caveat Lector --- Anon by necessity on the NG's -- thus avoiding your
problem of "somebody gets
very insulted and tell me strange things"
"J M Noeding" wrote in message
Since I have my home page I receive a lot of technical questions which
I know little about, but believe W7EL, W0IYH, K7ITM, KE5FX, G3SEK and
others know very much about, and I've experienced that they post a lot
of replies on the matters.....
Have proposed they try newsgroups which I listed, but somebody gets
very insulted and tell me strange things, it seems that only a smaller
fraction of those who access has any idea about newsgroups and how to
access them
J. M. Noeding, LA8AK, N-4623 Kristiansand