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  #8   Report Post  
Old January 28th 05, 06:41 PM
Posts: n/a

First, i am no racist. That's absurd, defamatory and ignorant.
Second, I am not a Republican automoton. I disagree with much of the
Patriot Act, the GOP position on stem cell research and I am strongly
in favor of gay marriage.
I am not a scholar of the Geneval Convention,.but I understand the"
ticking bomb "theory of torture and I think some light persuasion or
psych pressure on people who know about a vast terrorist network just
might save the lievs of innocent people.
As for the appointment of minorities to the Cabinet, the mere fact that
other minority group embers do not agree with them is irrelevant to the
fact that the GOP, whatever its flaws, is breakling new ground by
including representatives of these groups. that is to Bush's credit.
Finally, Mr. Huseein is being tried as a human rights criminal. His
emoval from office was morally justified even if our government had
some erroneous intelligence about WMD's. I can'rt see blaming Bush Rice
etc. for the mistakes of the
British intelliegcne that supplied the data.