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Old January 28th 05, 06:56 PM
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Build you own Super Size "Wave Magnet" Loop Antenna.
One of the simplist construction materials for Wave Magnet
type Basket Weave Coil Forms (Frame) is Foam Core Project
Board that is available at Office Depot/Max Stapples etc.
A 30" x 40" sheet can be be made into a 30" Circle
with 15 (Odd Number) One Inch Long and 1/4 Inch Wide
Slots set at 24* every 6.25" around the Circumference
of the Circle.
Fourteen Turns of Wire (115 Ft) on this Frame will
provide full coverage of the AM/MW Broadcast Band.
Two Turns of Wire (16 Ft) on this Frame will provide
Shortwave Band coverage from 3 MHz to 16 MHz.
Three Turns of Wire (24 Ft) on this Frame will provide
Shortwave Band coverage from 2 MHz to 11 MHz.
Loop Antenna Calculators :
NOTE - The full 30" x 40" Sheet can be used if you want
to have a Rectangle Shaped Loop Antenna. The Top and
Left-and-Right Sides would have Five Evenly Spaced Slots
with the Bottom having only Four Evenly Spaced Slots.
Ten Turns of Wire (116 Ft) on this full Frame will
provide full coverage of the AM/MW Broadcast Band.
"Loop Antenna" Forum {eGroup} on YAHOO !
- Discussion of loop antennas on all bands including ferrite loops,
air core, all types. All bands SHF, VLF, LF, MF, HF, VHF, UHF, etc.
Shortwave, longwave, receivers, transmitters, all fair game here.
"Loop Antenna Information and Design" Forum {eGroup} on YAHOO !
- Welcome the GCC Loop Antenna Designers and Builders group, this
list is everyone who likes to learn about all bands ELF, VLF, LF,
MF, HF, VHF, and FM broadcast and UHF Loop antennas. Contruction,
tips, help, questions, and websites are welcome to the group.
iane ~ RHF
All are WELCOME and "Invited to Join" the
Shortwave Listener (SWL) Antenna eGroup on YAHOO !
Some Say: On A Clear Day You Can See Forever.
I BELIEVE: On A Clear Night . . .
You Can Hear Forever and Beyond, The BEYOND !
With a Shortwave Listener SWL Antenna of your own making.
"If You Build It {SWL Antenna} You Will Hear Them !"