On Mon, 24 Jan 2005 06:49:43 -0800, HK wrote:
I need an owners manual and/or schematic for a Lunar 2m amp.
Model 2m30-200P or the 2m30-160P
I can send an SASE or receive it email (adobe)
I purchased a simple 2M Lunar preamp back in the 80s. Out of curiosity I dug
it out to see if it was like the one you are looking for. I see that yours is
probably a combination pre-amp/power amp, not just a simple preamp, according
to the data sheets I have.
There was no manual, just some mimeographed pages that apply to both the VHF
and UHF versions.
The person that was listed on the literature, was Louis N. Anciaux, WB6NMT.
www.qrz.com, I found that he is now KG6UH/3F3XUG. His E-Mail address was
listed at 3F3XUG as kg6uh at hotmail dot com. At KG6UH, it was kg6uh at arrl
dot net.
I gather that Louis may have been associated with Lunar while in the US Navy
stationed at San Diego. I didn't find out what happened to Lunar, but they may
have merged with Linear Measurements in San Diego, which also acquired Non
Linear Systems (NLS). Neither currently makes products like the Lunar
amplifiers, as far as I can tell. Perhaps Louis could shed some light on a
source for the information you are looking for.
73, Fred, K4DII