On Sat, 29 Jan 2005 16:35:10 +0000, Stephen wrote:
Hello everyone. I recently purchased the book "Build Your Own Intelligent
Amateur Radio Transceiver" and was wondering if anyone knows of a site
that has an errata.
Have you checked the publisher's website? They often have errata or they
will send it to you if you request it.
I don't want to start any flame wars but I just have to ask if any one has
any suggestions on building this rig. I don't have a ham license yet but
thats not the point of building this thing. I just want to jump into the
deep end a bit. I've done all kinds of kits both big and small and just
want to do everything from scratch and learn something in the process.
The only problem I would have with doing it is what you have hinted at:
you do not have any evidence that the thing works! So definetely I would
find out first as you are attempting to, if the thing has ever been
constructed and does it work properly. Secondly, unless you have a very
good box of parts getting all the bits and pieces could nickle and dime
you to death. That is one advantage of going out and buying a Elecraft K2
kit instead!
Larry VE7EA