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Old January 29th 05, 07:49 PM
Art Clemons
Posts: n/a


As for the appointment of minorities to the Cabinet, the mere fact
that other minority group embers do not agree with them is irrelevant
to the fact that the GOP, whatever its flaws, is breakling new ground
by including representatives of these groups. that is to Bush's

Bush isn't doing any more than Clinton did in absolute numbers. Sure
Bush has the first African-American female Secretary of State and the
likely first Mexican-American Atty General but that proves little, the
real question would be how representative of said groups his nominees
are or how most of said groups view Bush. For that matter, Bush's FCC
chairman has been a disaster for the likely future of broadcasting and
for that matter on other telecommunications issues too and his policies
to a great extent actually have lead to fewer minority broadcasters
than when he first became either an FCC commissioner or chairman.
There is this little thing called results and on that, so far a bunch
of duds has been what's occurred from my perspective and apparently
that of most "minority" voters.