I see no resemblance to the Collins S-line....
"Cayselling" wrote in message
I have a Sonar FS-23 tube CB in near-mint condition for auction on eBay.
The URL with pictures is
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll...m=57458052 10
and the description is
This is a near-mint example of the venerable Sonar FS-23 thirteen tube two
transistor 23-channel CB transceiver. Features include 12V/120V
operation, a
continuously-tunable receiver section (RIT) and 23 crystal-controlled
frequencies. Tube complement is
1 RF Amp 6DS4
2 1st Rec Mixer - Squelch 6EA8
3 16MC Osc. 6AU6
4 1st Sythesizer Mixer - 4MC Osc. 6EA8
5 2nd Rec. Mixer - 2nd Rec. Osc. 6EA8
6 1st IF Amp 6BA6
7 2nd IF Amp 6BA6
8 Noise Limiter - Det. - AVC 12AL5
9 Speech Amp - Friver 12AT7
10 Output - Modulator 12BH7
11 2nd Synthesizer Mixer - 6MC Osc. 6EA8
12 Buffer 6AU6
13 Final 6BH5
This would make an excellent basis for a 10 meter AM conversion, as the
chassis is very open and easy to work on. I originally bought this
because the
case resembles Collins S-line accessories (for example the 516F-2 or the
312B-4) and I was going use the case to build a custom
speaker/SWR/station-control accessory to match my S-line equipment. Well,
many projects this never bubbled up high enough on the "to do" queue, and
sold the S-line before I ever got around to it. Would be a great project
some other S-line owner however. Or it could be used for an
(can't beat tube audio!) CB base or mobile rig as intended...
The interior is remarkably free of corrosion, and the rig has not been
in any way. A small amount of corrosion can be seen on the top of the
transformer, but that's all there is. This could easily be retouched. Not
all that dusty, really. The case has a scratch and some paint wear on one
but this could be easily repaired. The case has no dents or other damage,
the front panel is pristine. The area of the scratch is about 5 cm long by
1 cm
wide--looks like it might have rubbed against something when it was
sometime in it's past life... I'll pack it very well so that won't occur
Unit includes AC cord, microphone and the DC connector.
Closes January 30, 2005.
Thank you.