Mike wrote:
I have been tinkering with a Heath SB 610 Monitor Scope with the
apparently fairly common problem of a Blown Power Transformer.
I read somewhere of people using an "outboard" transformer to work
around this problem. So, which winding is it that blows: the 215 VAC
or the 600 VAC. And can one just disconnect the blown winding and
connect the additional transformer at the appropriate point? Thanks
for any info.
I worked for some time trying to replace a defective transformer in one
of these units. Since I could never find a suitable replacement trans.
I attempted to use two transformers to make up the necessary
voltages..Not enough room, I gave up as a hopeless case.. The original
transformer was so small,winding (wire size) was so small,they opened
up after 20/30 years.Usually the 600 v winding goes out.. Good Luck 73