Radiotech on the newsgroup
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January 30th 05, 04:50 AM
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In article ,
Since I have my home page I receive a lot of technical questions which
I know little about, but believe W7EL, W0IYH, K7ITM, KE5FX, G3SEK and
others know very much about, and I've experienced that they post a lot
of replies on the matters.....
Have proposed they try newsgroups which I listed, but somebody gets
very insulted and tell me strange things, it seems that only a smaller
fraction of those who access has any idea about newsgroups and how to
access them
I have found your statement to be very true indeed. I have learned so
much from several of the N.G.'s that I post to. Learned a long time ago
to use a bogus return address however. I hate being spammed, although I
really don't mind being flamed, as everyone has an opinion, good, or bad.
I have purchased some equipment from folks in the scuba newsgroup. They
actually gave me business referances to check them out beforehand.
It amazes me how many of my 'techie' freinds have no clue about N.G.'s.
Totally unaware! I thought newsgroups were around before www webpages.
Yikes, showing my age. So much useful information to share, and so much
bandwidth wasted on commercial marketing racketeers, and spammers.
Personally, I think webcasting is a waste of bandwidth. I am living in
the U.S.A., but when I desire to hear Utvarp Reykjavik, I sat down and
built a 6AJ5 tube type low noise convertor for 15.770mhz, and feed it's
output to a 1964 Pontiac car radio. That rig is hot! Listening to an
Icelandic broadcast via webcasting would be like shooting my engineering
talent in the foot.
Best wishes all, from a viking in the states.
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