K4YZ wrote:
Mike Coslo wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
Michael Coslo wrote:
Hey Len,
There is an ongoing Morse code thread over in rec.radio.swap. I
know if you check in on that group, but if you want to, they have a
one going! 8^)
Be careful, Mike!
The Rec.Radio.Swap guys might rat us out to the EPA for letting
the bilgewater over the berm!
hehe, I'm just trying to help Len out - it seems no one here wants
argue about Morse code testing, and it seems to bother some people.
Yeah...I know! It's going to go eventually, it's just that Lennie
wanted it to go on HIS terms and with everyone rallying around HIS
flag...Didn't happen that way, so now he's gonna pick a fight with
Bummer, that! I wonder why that is the case? (obviousness alert!) 8^)
- Mike KB3EIA -