On Sat, 29 Jan 2005 21:56:36 -0800, Roy Lewallen
Buck wrote:
. . .
If I hang the vertical here, the top will be about 65 feet above
ground. The dipole feedline will be about 15 feet away and the center
of the dipole about 50-55 feet high. I doubt they will interact with
each other.
The dipole feedline and the vertical will interact a great deal unless
you take steps to prevent it. That would be to insert one or more
"current baluns" (otherwise known as choke baluns and common mode
chokes) in the dipole feedline.
Roy Lewallen, W7EL
Would the 'ugly balun' be suitable? (wrap 8-10 turns of coax in an 8
inch diameter loop)
That is the standard 1:1 balun I use.
I did see a difference with my two 20 meter dipoles. I had one
stretched, say, due north (0 deg) about 55 feet and another about 45
feet stretched about 75 degrees off. The shield side of both antennas
is where they crossed. I noticed that when I lowered one antenna the
signals seemed stronger from other directions. It didn't make either
unusable though and after Francis hit Florida, I took down the lower
20 to take with me in case I needed it and never put it back up.