N2EY wrote:
In article .com, "K4YZ"
hehe, I'm just trying to help Len out - it seems no one here wants
to argue about Morse code testing, and it seems to bother some people.
I think it's more accurate to say that almost ho one here wants to discuss
*anything* with Len anymore - because of *his* behavior
You mean people don't care for being called Nun of the Above, Rev. Jim,
Gunnery Nurse, Nursie, Robust Oberst, Nazi, Avenging Angle, Poop Dave,
Some kind of Humorless Ham full of Angries, the paragon of Truth and
Virtue, he say, Herr Kommandant, James Psychochief Miccolis, Kommandant
uf das Neugruppen Waffe, Herr Gruppekommandant, Mr. Petty Chief Ossifer,
das gruppenfuhrer, da Katapult King, La Cucaracha, Herr Gasbag, hockey
puck, and fifth wheel on the four morsemen of the apocalypse? Just a
small sampling of the names he calls those who would disagree with him.
Sorry if I left any out!
If ya don't care about the names - and I don't all that much, the
content of the messages is a behavior issue in itself.
No one has to act like that. It is a choice.
Wanna talk to people? Allow them to want to talk to you. If you are
going to be unpleasant in the extreme, you'll get a predictable
reaction. When we do reply to him, you'll notice it is just reciprocal
chain jerking. Big deal.
Must be what he wants.
- Mike KB3EIA -