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Old January 30th 05, 06:39 PM
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For the money the DE1103 gives good performance. Within major
broadcast bands it delivers many signals and the dual filter helps in
some situations. And is does a good job of retrieving hams signals too.
It is quite compact and the ergonomics are good although not at the
7600 level. The tuning knob is a distinct plus for a radio in this
price range and makes band scanning fun.

There are a few shortcomings you should be aware of.
1=2E Ihe receiver generates numerous image signals 900khz down. Thus
much of the 6mhz band is repeated in an area where there are
potentially some interesting nonbroadcast catches. Same goes for the
9mhz band generating images in the interesting 8.8 segment where
international aircraft may be heard.

2=2E The usefuless of the 255 memories in the 1103 are compromised in 2
ways. A. Degen decided to use hexadecimal numbering for it's memories.
While confusing to many, this scheme also means the keypad is useful
for only certain groups within the 255 memories. B. The memory
retreival feature has a serious bug when used on FM and MW. When a
stored channel is retreived from FM, the firmware also retrives the
highest numbered memory used for MW. Likewise for retrieving MW
stations. For those of us who flip between bands it means having to
continuall retune the other band.
3=2E The signal strength meter for some reason does not work on FM as it
does on virtually every other multiband radio I'm aware of.

I've owned one for about a month now and do enjoy it. It is not
perfect nor is it a replacement for the 7600 or the YB as some have

Francisco Jos=E9 Ca=F1izares Santofimia wrote:
Hi all.
Can anyone tell me the differences, opinions... between that

(Degen DE1103 and Sony ICF-SW7600GR)?