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Old January 31st 05, 01:37 AM
john KB5AG
Posts: n/a

well, there's some bull **** there!

The only objection I have to the 1103 ergonomics is the volume control.
Yep, it can be a pain, but otherwise the radio is really fun to use. I
never curse the 50 odd bucks I paid for it.

The 7600's ergonomics are fine, but a far cry from superb. Where's that
tuning knob again?

You probably can't get a Degen repaired. You probably don't want to pay
Sony to fix your 7600; they'll charge you as much as you paid for it and
you'll probably have to send it back a few more times for them to do it
right. I've had nothing but bad luck with Sony service. You'd feel a lot
worse throwing your $150 Sony away than the $50 Degen. Anyway, both are
pretty reliable.

Sony doesn't seem to want to be in the manufacturing business any more;
they'd rather make the big bucks selling content.
They treat their product customers like crap, and that's not what I want to
pay for!

"tianli" wrote in message

Can anyone tell me the differences, opinions... between that receivers
(Degen DE1103 and Sony ICF-SW7600GR)?

The Degen is made in China by a Communist Party owned factory.
The 7600GR is made in Japan by a free enterprise company.

The Degen ergonomics S.u.c.k.s. which will make you curse every penny you
spent on it every time you attempt to operate it.
The 7600GR ergonomics are superb.

Repairs or replacement parts are non-existent for the Degen.
Sony parts and repair and relatively easy to acquire.

A technical manual does not exist for the Degen
Sony technical manuals are easily obtained.

If the Degen breaks toss it in the trash. Spend more money for another
The Sony 7600GR is relatively well built and is repairable. But is less
likely to need repair.

You get what you pay for!