Hammarlund HQ-170
Where does this particular model fall into the scheme of things? Today I
picked one up at my local flea mkt for $25. It works but all switches and
knobs are extremely scratchy. Needs some TLC and is missing the AM/SSB knob
but works otherwise. Also picked up a Drake SSR-1 in XLNT condition that
works amazingly well. The guy wanted $30 but I talked him down to $20. He
thought it was a CB radio. LOL For an analog readout, this Drake is spot
on. I have lots of other boatanchors and have never seen one with such
accuracy. With the way it tunes, I suspect that it is a "Wadley loop" type
radio. BTW, I thought Drakes were made in Ohio. This SSR-1 has "Japan"
stamped in the metal case...