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Old January 31st 05, 03:24 AM
Ron G
Posts: n/a

I came in late on this--
Would you repost the links for the 365 pf air caps?
Any "links" for cat whiskers also (Germanium Xtals)

m II wrote in message news:eVYKd.77528$Qb.22227@edtnps89...
RHF wrote:

Here are a few LINKS for Air Variable Tuning Capacitors

It's a good thing, too. I went to Radio Shack last week for just this

I told the salesperson I needed a variable tuning capacitor. They gave a

a blank look. I elaborated, telling them that the thing has lots of
aluminium fins and a shaft for turning them back and forth. He promptly
escorted me to the potentiometers.

Not to be put off, I went to another Radio Shack and repeated my
description. This time, I got led to, you guessed it..the automotive FUSE
display. now it was mid day and time for lunch. I went into a nearby
Wendy's and had a salad with Ranch dressing. It was ok, but I HAD ordered
French dressing.

Either the quality of personnel is dropping very badly, or there's not

training being given. It's hard to be helpful when a know nothing

knows infinitely more than you do.

rant mode off


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