Dbowey ) writes:
Randy flew off the handle, making an ass of himself with:
Dr. Al Link wrote:
Share your knowledge with fellow hams.
The Collins-Drake Forums for Licensed Hams
Take your elitist crap and shove it - elsewhere - please.
*Licensed* Hams, indeed.
What's your problem? Can't pass the code?
It does see silly that they would claim the forum was only
for those with a license. Both made stand alone receivers, including
some that weren't just for the ham bands. The post did not say
the forum was only for ham equipment, it simply claimed one had
to have a license to participate in the forum.
If keeping the riff-raff out was the policy, surely the fact that
much of that equipment is now old and expensive is the filter; one
has to have a level of capability to talk about such equipment.
Michael VE2BVW