wrote in message
Is this hard? I have an alinco DR 590 that is acting funny. Checked the
battery and although it was keeping memory it showed less than a volt.
It is a BR 2032. Do these things come with the tabs already on the
battery when you buy them?
Is this a "REPEAT" post? You've been asking the same questions for over 2
weeks now. As one other poster suggested, DO SOMETHING. For Christ's sakes,
you keep asking the same questions in like 5 different news groups, and
you've STILL not managed to get it in your head what they're trying to tell
Getting help on line is good. I and I'm sure tons of others don't mind
helping, but for Christ's sakes - PUT IT TO ACTION.
If you can't figure it out by now, then get an ELMER near you to help out.
Otherwise, you're going to be a hell of a lot worse off than you are now,
and from the looks of things, that is pretty bad. In case you are clueless
as to an Elmer, it is a person with experience who can show you up close.
From the sounds of things, you SURE could use one.
Otherwise, I'm beginning to wonder if you're not either slightly mentally
deficient or a troll. NO ONE asks the same questions over a couple weeks and
gets answers and has to still ask the same questions.......