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Old January 31st 05, 09:20 PM
Dennis Kaylor
Posts: n/a
Default 6 meter conversion

hi justin
welcome to 6 meters
unfortunatly i dont think just cutting the stinger down will drop the
SWR enough to get to 6 meters that load in the middle would be to big
why dont you just make a 1/4 wave ground plane out of an old 102in whip
and never mind the magmount
also you could build a wire dipole its only between 54-56in on either
side of center and fed with 50 ohm coax
good luck

Justín Käse wrote:
Has anyone converted one of the old center loaded magnet mount CB
antennas from Radio Shack to 6 meters? This is one of the ones with a
large (soda can size) loading coil and a fairly large (approx 7") magnet
plate. Currently I have it on the roof of this apartment using an old
computer case for stability and a strip of plumbers tape for a
counterpoise. I had to trim about an inch and a half to get it resonant
at 28.4 Mhz, and am thinking of taking it down a few more inches to use
on 6 meters. Would I need to also adjust the length of the counterpoise
strip accordingly, or would the radiator only use as much as needed for
resonance, and disregard the rest, like as if it were mounted on a large
roof vehicle?