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Old February 1st 05, 04:29 AM
Michael Black
Posts: n/a

"JShorr" ) writes:
I just purchased (though it hasn't yet arrived) my first SW radio, the
Sony ICF-SW7600GR.

I currently use a little Uniden Sportcat to scan a couple of
police/emergency and ham frequencies. Would it be safe to give the
SportCat to my little nephew, or are there things that it will pick up
that the ICF-SW7600GR will not?

There'll be no overlap. Scanners are about VHF and UHF, while shortwave
is shortwave. The scanners lower end would be where the upper end of
the shortwave receiver's tuning ends.

While once upon a time police was in the shortwave frequencies, well
technically medium wave since they were right above the AM broadcast
band pretty much any of those utilities that are now on the VHF and UHF
bands no longer use shortwave frequencies.

You will find some utility use in the shortwave bands, but it won't be
local like the scanner will receive.
