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Old February 1st 05, 05:57 PM
Caveat Lector
Posts: n/a

Hmmm don't know what all this has to do with the original post, but my
comments inserted

"Brian Short" wrote in message

I don't want to draw any fire, but there is a point
to this -

Not all that many licensed amateurs in the United
States have the legal right to install an antenna
on their property.

Ah contraire -- There are thousands and thousands of hams that do have the
right and have installed outdoor antennas.
Just don't buy a home that has the restrictions.

Ah but you say -- I want a nice upscale neighborhood where all houses are
painted the same color and no one can park their car in the driveway, and
you can only have two pets, and flag poles are forbidden, et al.

Well ya can't have it all sez I.

I live in a neighborhood built in 1969, so there
is no deed restriction, but there is a city-wide
restriction (Tempe, AZ) of 35 feet height.

Move outta town! Get outta Dodge!
But if ya gotta stay -- A vertical at 8 feet or 35 feet will do well --- as
will a beam at 35 feet for the upper bands.
Use a vertical at the lower bands -- most do anyway.

Even so, my neighbors send the "neighborhood
enhancement" (doesn't that sound ominous and
sort of nazi-like?) out regularly for various
imagined city code issues of which there has
never been a single violation.

Just ignore em. Ms Snoop or Ms Clipboard abounds in all endeavors.

Basically, there is an ad hoc legal ban on amateur
stations at residences built in the last 20 years,
at least in suburban settings.

Not against the "stations" just outdoor antennas. If it was "stations" then
all the cell phone users are in violation.
Hey Junior -- knock it off with that RC car model -- the HOA is monitoring
Here in Calif, there are lots of homes (even in the million dollar category)
with no restrictions.

The reasoning seems to follow that since antennas
are outlawed, only outlaws have antennas.

Ah stealth antennas -- can't keep a Ham off the air huh ?

Remember, radios don't transmit, antennas do!


A final comment about HOA's -- Those that relinquish their essential rights
for the sake of protection -- shall receive neither.
Caveat Lector (Reader Beware)